Bryna Godar in Wisconsin Watch: Staff Attorney Godar discusses how a breakdown in the appointments process undermines trust in state institutions.
Bryna Godar in WPR: Staff Attorney Godar explains the interplay between the two abortion cases in the WI Supreme Court.
Bryna Godar and Rob Yablon in WPR: SDRI Staff Attorney and Co-Director discuss how pre-election litigation can be used to fuel distrust in elections.
Bryna Godar on WPR: Staff Attorney Godar talks about the selection of presidential electors in Wisconsin and safeguards in place to for the upcoming election.
Bree Grossi Wilde on WBAY: Executive Director Wilde provides more context on Wisconsin’s proposed non-citizen voting amendment.
Bryna Godar in WPR: Staff Attorney Godar discusses the tools used to maintain voter rolls and the limited impact of last minute voter registration lawsuits.
SDRI’s amicus brief on Wisconsin’s partial veto is featured in multiple Wisconsin media outlets.
Our amicus brief to the Wisconsin Supreme Court in the case LeMieux v. Evers featured prominently in the court’s oral argument on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. Check out the articles below for summaries of the argument, …
Explainer: The Proposed Constitutional Amendment on Noncitizen Voting on Wisconsin’s November General Election Ballot
Bree Grossi Wilde, Executive Director PDF Available Here As part of the November 5th election, Wisconsin voters will be asked for the fifth time this year whether to amend the Wisconsin Constitution. In April, voters …