State Constitutions
Emily Lau on WXOW: Staff Attorney Lau highlights the importance of constitutional change in guest talk hosted by League of Women Voters.
Derek Clinger on WUNC: Senior Staff Attorney Clinger discusses a North Carolina law stripping powers from a newly elected governor.
Bryna Godar in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Staff Attorney Godar explains how constitutional amendments work in Wisconsin and beyond.
New York University Law Review: “State Legislative Vetoes and State Constitutionalism” by Miriam Seifter
Explainer: Lame-Duck Power Grabs in North Carolina and Beyond
Derek Clinger, Senior Staff Attorney PDF Available Here Just weeks after North Carolina Democrats won several prominent statewide offices in the 2024 general election, including governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general, the Republican-controlled legislature moved …
Bryna Godar on WORT: Staff Attorney Godar reviews the legal background and future appeals of the recent ruling overturning parts of Act 10.
Miriam Seifter in the Daily Journal: Faculty Co-Director Seifter discusses the importance of teaching state constitutions in law schools.
Bree Grossi Wilde on WBAY: Executive Director Wilde provides more context on Wisconsin’s proposed non-citizen voting amendment.
Explainer: The Proposed Constitutional Amendment on Noncitizen Voting on Wisconsin’s November General Election Ballot
Bree Grossi Wilde, Executive Director PDF Available Here As part of the November 5th election, Wisconsin voters will be asked for the fifth time this year whether to amend the Wisconsin Constitution. In April, voters …