Derek Clinger in the Columbus Dispatch: Senior Staff Attorney Clinger comments on Ohio General Assembly’s threat to repeal proposed initiative to legalize recreational marijuana
State Democracy Research Initiative Hosts 3rd Annual Public Law in the States Conference
Events, Featured | State Democracy Research Initiative
On June 1st and 2nd, 2023, the State Democracy Research Initiative welcomed academics from across the country as well as four state supreme court justices for a conference on Public Law in the States.
Ohio Supreme Court Clears Way for August Vote on Legislative Effort to Curb Direct Democracy
Featured, Explainers | State Democracy Research Initiative
In a ruling with major implications for direct democracy in Ohio, the Ohio Supreme Court greenlighted the state legislature’s controversial plan to have Ohioans vote in August on a proposed constitutional amendment that would make it harder to amend Ohio’s Constitution in the future.
Analysis: Unpacking Ohio’s flawed “supermajority” proposal for ballot initiatives
Featured, Explainers, Research & Explainers | State Democracy Research Initiative
Ohio’s lame duck General Assembly is considering a proposal (HJR6) that asks Ohioans to limit their own power to amend the state’s constitution.