Adam Sopko, Staff Attorney Published: April 12, 2024 Link to PDF Introduction In recent years, legal commentators have analyzed—and often criticized—the U.S. Supreme Court’s “shadow docket.”[1] Rulings on this docket proceed without the usual, public-facing …
Adam Sopko in Bloomberg: Staff Attorney Sopko comments on recent trends in state-court election litigation.
West Academic: “Election Law in a Nutshell” by Dan Tokaji and Rob Yablon
Explainer: Status of Partisan Gerrymandering Claims Across the Country
Harry Isaiah Black, Staff Attorney PDF Available Here Every 10 years, following the federal census, states are required to redraw their congressional and legislative district maps. In the majority of states, the duty to redistrict …
Explainer: Shaping Democracy: 2023’s Statewide Ballot Measures and What Lies Ahead in 2024
Derek Clinger, Senior Staff Attorney PDF Available Here The past year saw a continued trend of increased interest in direct democracy, with the highest number of statewide ballot measures for an odd-numbered election year in …
State Court Report: “Scholarship Roundup: That’s a Wrap on 2023” by Miriam Seifter
Wisconsin Law Review Special Issue 2023: “Public Law in the States”
Scholarship | State Democracy Research Initiative
Wisconsin Law Review Special Edition featuring papers from our June 2023 Conference
Staff Attorney Emily Lau discusses SDRI’s new website on WORT, Madison’s community radio station
Columbia Law Review: “State Constitutional Rights and Democratic Proportionality” by Jessica Bulman-Pozen & Miriam Seifter
This Article seeks to begin a new conversation about state constitutional adjudication. It first shows how in myriad defining ways state constitutions differ from the U.S. Constitution. These distinctive founding documents, prizing individual and collective self-determination alike, require their own implementation frameworks—not federal mimicry.