Foreword by Allie Boldt, Miriam Seifter, & Robert Yablon, State Shadow Dockets by Rebecca Frank Dallet & Matt Woleske, Modified Textualism in Wisconsin: A Case Study by Anuj C. Desai, The Textual Canons in Contracts Cases: A Preliminary Study by Ethan J. Lieb, Improving (and Avoiding) Interstate Interpretive Encounters by Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl, Use of Convention History in State Constitutional Law by Maureen E. Brady, Preemption, Commandeering, and the Indian Child Welfare Act by Matthew L.M. Fletcher & Randall F. Khalil, Textualism, Judicial Supremacy, and the Independent State Legislature Theory by Leah M. Litman & Katherine Shaw, Interpreting Initiatives Sociologically by Glen Staszewski, Polarization, Nationalization, and the Constitutional Politics of Recent State Supreme Court Elections by Jane S. Schacter, Countering the New Election Subversion: The Democracy Principle and the Role of State Courts by Jessica Bulman-Pozen & Miriam Seifter
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