The State Democracy Research Initiative and The Federalist Society, Madison Lawyers Chapter invite you to join us for “State Constitutions and Unenumerated Rights – Wisconsin and Beyond” on Tuesday, September 19th from 6:30-7:45pm Central Time, with a reception starting at 5:30pm. Anthony Sanders (Institute for Justice) will discuss his newest book, “Baby Ninth Amendments: How Americans Embraced Unenumerated Rights and Why It Matters.” Sanders will discuss the history and meaning of “Baby Ninth Amendments,” which appear in two thirds of state constitutions and resemble the U.S. Constitution’s 9th Amendment. Additional panelists will include Professor Miriam Seifter (UW Madison Law School) and Luke Berg (Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty), and Attorney Joseph Diedrich will moderate. The event will take place in person at The Madison Club. This event has been approved for 1.5 CLE credits.
State Constitutions and Unenumerated Rights – Wisconsin and Beyond
This event has passed.
The Madison Club
@ 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm