Public Law in the States Conference

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University of Wisconsin Law School
Conference Details


This two-day conference, hosted by Professor Miriam Seifter and Professor Rob Yablon, is entitled “Public Law in the States.” The conference serves as the inaugural event for a Research Initiative on State Democracy that is being launched at the University of Wisconsin Law School.

The goal of the event (and one of the goals of the Initiative) is to encourage more scholars to study state government, state constitutions, and state democracy—and to view those as important topics for serious legal scholarship.

The conference will include a range of scholars, including some who already study state issues and some who have not considered that their focus, with an aim to spur new dialogue about state government and generate ideas that can inform state-level law and policy.


The conference will consist of two keynote speakers, open to the public offering perspectives on state constitutions. Nationally renowned scholars will also gather for several research roundtables to workshop papers on a range of topics related to state public law. The resulting papers will be published in a special issue of the Wisconsin Law Review.