Across the country, prosecutorial non-enforcement decisions have generated significant public interest and discussion. On Wednesday, April 14, at 12pm CT, the State Democracy Research Initiative and the Frank J. Remington Center at the University of Wisconsin Law School will host a conversation among legal scholars on prosecutorial discretion at the state and local level. Panelists will explore when, and to what extent, prosecutors can lawfully decline to enforce certain state laws, and the implications of such decisions for democracy.
UW Law Professor Cecelia Klingele will moderate this livestreamed discussion, joined by Columbia Law Professor Kerrel Murray, author of Populist Prosecutorial Nullification (NYU Law Review, 2021), and UC Hastings Law Professor Zachary Price, who recently released a draft paper entitled Faithful Execution in the Fifty States.
This event has been approved for 1 Wisconsin CLE credit.