Featured | Widener Law Commonwealth
John Gedid Lecture Series Presents Miriam Seifter on State Institutions and Democratic Opportunity
Rob Yablon Publishes Op-Ed in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Wisconsin Supreme Court is wrong to preserve gerrymandered electoral maps”
In the Media, Featured | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
“The Wisconsin Supreme Court has set the stage for another decade of gerrymandered electoral maps.”
Rob Yablon Discusses Redistricting Case Before the Wisconsin Supreme Court
In the Media | WPR, Central Time
“How the Wisconsin Supreme Court might redraw the state’s legislative maps”
Wisconsin Law Review Special Issue 2021: “Public Law in the States”
Featured | Wisconsin Law Review
Special Issue: Public Law in the States
Robert Yablon’s new article, “Gerrylaundering,” now available on SSRN
In the Media, Featured | NYU Law Review (Forthcoming, 2022)
As they carry out their decennial redistricting duties, those in power sometimes audaciously manipulate district lines to secure an electoral advantage. In other words, they gerrymander.
Rob Yablon presents on State Courts and State Constitutions in the US Legal Landscape
In the Media | Indiana Law Webinars
Professor Robert Yablon (University of Wisconsin Law School) presents “State Courts and State Constitutions in the US Legal Landscape.”