Alabama does not have statewide initiatives or veto referendums but has legislatively referred amendments. Proposed amendments may be submitted to voters at either the next general election following legislative approval, or another day appointed by …


Montana has statutory and constitutional initiatives, veto referendums, and legislatively referred amendments. Election timing may vary depending on the form of ballot measure; while proposed constitutional amendments must be submitted at regular and/or general elections, …


Nebraska has statutory and constitutional initiatives, veto referendums, and legislatively referred amendments. The timing of the election may depend on the type of measure. While initiatives and veto referendums must be submitted at a general …


Nevada authorizes indirect statutory initiatives, constitutional initiatives, veto referendums, and legislatively referred amendments. For indirect statutory initiatives, if the legislature rejects voters’ proposal, the Governor and the legislature can together propose an alternative to be …


Maine has indirect statutory initiatives (but not constitutional initiatives), veto referendums, and legislatively referred amendments. For the indirect statutory initiative, if the legislature does not enact the voters’ proposal, the legislature may submit to voters …


Illinois has constitutional initiatives and legislatively referred amendments but does not have statutory initiatives or veto referendums. The precise timing of an election depends on whether the amendment was proposed by an initiative petition or …


Idaho has statutory initiatives (but not constitutional initiatives), veto referendums, and legislatively referred amendments. Both statutory initiatives and legislatively referred amendments must be submitted to voters at general elections pursuant to the state constitution; in …


Alaska has statutory initiatives (but not constitutional initiatives), veto referendums, and legislatively referred amendments. Alaska is distinct in the sense that initiatives and veto referendums may be voted upon at a special and/or primary election, …


Wyoming has statutory initiatives, veto referendums, and legislatively referred amendments. Any of these statewide ballot measures must be submitted to voters in a general election. Ballot content requirements vary depending on whether the measure is …