
The viability of partisan gerrymandering claims in Tennessee is unclear. In 2022, the Tennessee Supreme Court reversed a preliminary three-judge trial court’s ruling that Tennessee’s new state senate map violated the state constitution’s line-drawing requirements for partisan advantage. Moore v. Lee, 644 S.W.3d 59, 67 (Tenn. 2022). The high court acted on procedural grounds, however, concluding that the lower court had invalidated the map too close to the upcoming 2022 election cycle. Id. At trial, the three-judge panel once again struck down the senate map for violating state constitutional line-drawing requirements. Wygant v. Lee, No. 22–0287-IV, slip op. at 9–17 (Tenn. Ch. Ct. Nov. 22, 2023). The state supreme court has stayed that decision pending appeal. Order, Wygant v. Lee, No. M2023-01686-SC-R3-CV (Tenn. Dec. 8, 2023).